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Wisconsin landowners growing tomorrow's forests


Become a Tree Farmer,

request a tree farm sign,

update your tree farm records,

and more... 

DNR Inspector

Photo credit: DNR

North Central Regional Tree Farm Inspector of the Year,

inspectors notes, 

and more....

Committee Members

Upcoming meeting date

(public welcome),

past minutes,

and more....

Gary Welsch of Marinette County was selected as the 2023 Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year.  Gary’s story begins with a young man and young forest resource. In 1967 his parents purchased 80 acres that had been previously enrolled under the Tree Farm program. He would ultimately grow up with the young​ red pine plantations and aspen sprouts that were present on the property in 1967. Some of his earliest memories on the property include replanting red pine in areas of plantation that had died out, maintaining fire breaks, and in some years simply watching the trees grow. As most of the...

Read more about Gary's forest management...


Click here to learn more and to see previous Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year.

Gary Tree Farm Sign 2.jpeg
 Tree Farm Field Day

Join us every year in August for this 

fun outdoor learning opportunity!



Marshfield School Forest has been awarded... Read  more...



Gary Welsch recognized for 53 years in Tree Farm Program.  Read more...


Sap-feeding beetle

Knowing when to prune is critical.

Read more....


Photo:  WI DNR

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